Friday, April 16, 2010

No Fear

I think since the middle child is called Cocoa Puffs, for obvious reasons, I will stick with the General Mills theme and hereby christen the older child "Trix" and the youngest child "Kix". Too bad all three names don't rhyme, but I had already decided on Kix for the younger due to the whole baldness thing, and out of the list, Trix seemed the best fit for the oldest.

So, back to my thoughts for today. Trix tried something she thought she would like today and even though there was hesitancy, there wasn't fear. Trix doesn't fear stepping out of the comfort zone and is not a person who I believe would be fearless enough to try anything, but will step out and test the waters. I appreciate Trix not staying inside a nice little self limiting box but for pursuing an interest with enthusiasm. Even if Trix never rides a horse again, that's okay too, because at least it was tried. Plus, horses are a little scary. As a young girl, I sat on the back of a horse that refused to follow all the other horses in the line at camp as the cowboy in charge slapped the horse in the face two times. The horse complied but my cowgirl dreams died.

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