Thursday, April 15, 2010

Lost Time

Tonight my little Cocoa Puffs lost time watching the tball game because she refused to say she was sorry to me for being rude. She used excuses like she lost the plug in her ear and that she was too sleepy and too shy to say it. She eventually caved and said it because she is only three, and at that age chances are they will when you find out what will sway them. I guess my lesson for today is that the time lost being stubborn, even if you are right is still time lost that you could have been doing something you wanted or spending time with someone instead of isolating yourself, whether self imposed or imposed upon you. I doubt she learned a lesson from the episode, but I have been trying to reach out to others lately instead of letting time pass. Even if you know you are right, be the one that takes the first step and initiate contact. It doesn't mean you were wrong and are conceding to the other person. Maybe it just means that the difference between you is so minimal and not worth the effort it takes to stand your ground. Maybe the lost time is not worth the price of being the one who's always right. I hated the isolation that was imposed on her and walked up the hill to her, even though she was the one that had to say sorry because I knew she wouldn't let herself take the first step. She is only three.

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